full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Aicha Evans: Your self-driving robotaxi is almost here

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Let me walk through some examples. So radar gives you the direction of travel and measures the agent’s mvemonet within centimeters per second. Lidar gives you objects and shapes in the real wolrd using depth perception as well as long-range and the all-important night vision. And let me tell you about this, because this is important to me personally and people who look like me. Then you have, also, long-wave infrared where you are able to see aegtns that are emitting heat, such as animals and humans. And that’s again, especially at nghit, super important.

Open Cloze

Let me walk through some examples. So radar gives you the direction of travel and measures the agent’s ________ within centimeters per second. Lidar gives you objects and shapes in the real _____ using depth perception as well as long-range and the all-important night vision. And let me tell you about this, because this is important to me personally and people who look like me. Then you have, also, long-wave infrared where you are able to see ______ that are emitting heat, such as animals and humans. And that’s again, especially at _____, super important.


  1. movement
  2. night
  3. world
  4. agents

Original Text

Let me walk through some examples. So radar gives you the direction of travel and measures the agent’s movement within centimeters per second. Lidar gives you objects and shapes in the real world using depth perception as well as long-range and the all-important night vision. And let me tell you about this, because this is important to me personally and people who look like me. Then you have, also, long-wave infrared where you are able to see agents that are emitting heat, such as animals and humans. And that’s again, especially at night, super important.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
computer vision 5
long time 4
rotary phone 2
safety driver 2
software innovation 2
vision systems 2

Important Words

  1. agents
  2. animals
  3. centimeters
  4. depth
  5. direction
  6. emitting
  7. examples
  8. heat
  9. humans
  10. important
  11. infrared
  12. lidar
  13. measures
  14. movement
  15. night
  16. objects
  17. people
  18. perception
  19. personally
  20. radar
  21. real
  22. shapes
  23. super
  24. travel
  25. vision
  26. walk
  27. world